

Prof. Dr. Susan Williams


Prof. Dr. Petra Schubert


Sue Williams is a Professor in the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Koblenz. She leads the Enterprise Information Management Research Group and its two research labs, the Information Design Lab and the Enterprise of Things Lab and is co-founder of IndustryConnect. She is an interdisciplinary researcher with expertise in the areas of social and organisational informatics. Her research examines complex socio-technical change (STC) and the use-centred design of information artefacts and the digital workplace.

Petra Schubert is a Professor in the Faculty of Computer Science, University of Koblenz. She is the Director of the Competence Centre for Collaboration Technologies (UCT) and is co-founder of IndustryConnect. She is an expert in conducting industry research and co-developed the eXperience case study methodology. Her research interests are in the area of Enterprise Systems with a specific focus on large-scale software systems such as enterprise resource planning and collaboration systems.


Jens Alberts

Research Assistant

Jens Alberts is currently working as a research assistant withthe Enterprise Information Management Research Group at the University Koblenz. He has completed vocational training as an industrial managementassistant. He received a Bachelor of Science in Business Studies from the University of Applied Sciences Aachen. Also, he holds a Master’s degree in Information Systems from the University of Münster. He gained experience from practice through positions as an intern, working student, and business analyst within the pharma and life science industry. During his studies, he was already a student research assistant for Prof. Dr. Eggert at the University of Applied Sciences in Aachen and with the Chair of Information Systems and Information Management under the supervision of Jun.-Prof. Dr. Dennis Riehle at the University of Münster.

Sebastian Bahles

Research Assistant

Sebastian Bahles is a Research Assistant in the Business Application Systems Research Group (FG BAS) led by Prof. Dr. Petra Schubert at the University of Koblenz. During his studies he has been working as a student assistant at the Institute for Information Systems Research and has been supporting the UCT project as well as the teaching in the field of CSCW and business software. In addition, he has been supporting the Europäische Fernhochschule Hamburg (Euro-FH) as a lecturer in the field of Enterprise Collaboration since graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Business Information Systems in 2017. Since March 2019, he holds a Master's degree in Business Information Systems from the University of Koblenz and has joined the FG BAS and thus the CEIR Team as a researcher. His current research is also focused on the field of enterprise collaboration.

Jennifer Gerbl

Research Assistant

Jennifer Gerbl is currently working as a research assistant with the Enterprise Information Management Research Group (FG EIM) at the University Koblenz. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Media of the University of Applied Sciences Furtwangen. Also, she studied Web and Data Science at the University of Koblenz and graduated with a Master’s degree. During her studies, Jennifer Gerbl worked as a student assistant at the Enterprise Information Management Research Group focusing on Visual Collaboration. Moreover, she worked as Software Developer for HR Software for two years in between her bachelor's and master's studies.

Martin Just

Research Assistant

Martin Just has been employed as a research associate at the University of Koblenz since October 2021. He is part of the Business Application Systems Research Group (FG BAS) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Petra Schubert. Before his studies he completed an apprenticeship as an IT specialist for application development and during his studies Martin Just was employed as a software developer for simulation technology for several years. During this time, he was able to gain valuable experience in the design, integration, deployment and testing of simulation systems. He completed his studies in 2021 at the University of Koblenz with a Master of Science in Information Systems. The focus of his studies was Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS) and ontologies.

Simon Meier

Research Assistant

Simon Meier has been a research assistant in the Business Application Systems research group headed by Professor Petra Schubert since January 2022. Previously, he studied Business Information Systems in his bachelor's and master's degrees at the University of Koblenz; he also worked as a student assistant in the research group for several years. His current research focus is ontology-based integration of information for the digital workplace, which he is investigating in the current research project SoNBO (= Social Network of Business Objects). In this research project, the practical relevance is particularly important. He was able to successfully evaluate his previous research results in a cooperation project with a company.

Julian Mosen

Research Assistant

Since January 2018 Julian Mosen works as a Research Assistant in the Business Application Systems Research Group (FG BAS) at the University of Koblenz led by Prof. Dr. Petra Schubert. He studied Business Information Systems at the University of Koblenz and graduated in October 2017 with a Master’s degree. His studies focused on application development and collaboration technologies. During his study Julian Mosen gained valuable experience in a medium-sized company from the bicycle industry. He worked as a product manager four years and was in charge of new product development. In addition he was responsible for the administration of the ERP system and the online shop.

Cornelia Mc Stay


Cornelia Mc Stay runs the secretariats of the research groups BAS (Prof. Dr. Petra Schubert) and EIM (Prof. Dr. Susan Williams). After her training as a foreign language correspondent for English / French at Inlingua School of Languages in Koblenz, she worked in the private sector for many years before joining the Institute for Information Systems at the University of Koblenz in February 2010.